
The 7-GL Plan is a revolutionary combination of three top weight-loss diets.
Download the FREE Guide to learn more about how it can help you not only to lose weight, but also to improve your overall health, energy and sleep!


The 7-GL Weight-Loss Plan

This lifestyle program provides you with a unique combination of highly effective techniques, that you cannot find in any other nutritional programs! It has been developed, refined, and tweaked and tested over several years, and it’s proven to get results!

The scientifically proven methods works for everyone!

7-GL Mediterranean weight-loss plan is a unique combination of a Mediterranean style diet with a Low GL diet (a Low Carb diet that calculates Carbs in Glycemic Load (which takes into consideration the amount of Carbohydrates and Glycemic index) rather than in grams

In the plan, I’m also giving the option to follow Intermittent Fasting at the same time

“7-GL” stands for “7 Glycemic Loads”, which is the amount of simple carbohydrates included in each main meal, (with the extra 3 GLs coming from complex carbs).

A scientific study proves that a meal below 10GLs doesn’t cause insulin to raise.


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