KETO & 7-GL Weight-Loss Bundle + IF


Enjoy this 7-GL Weight Loss Bundle – 14 Days perfectly calibrated meal plan to keep your Glycemic Load stable throughout the day to avoid  blood sugar spikes.


The KETO/7GL is a weight-loss plan that utilises the best and clinically proven methods to enter ketosis and start the process of fat burning rather than fat storing, and twisted it into a diet that is totally healthy for your body to sustain and will make you lose excess fat in the first two weeks and through an sustainable maintenance program, regulate your hormones, your blood sugar and continue to burn fat for energy until you find your ideal weight, and all this without having to starve yourself, well maybe a little bit the first two weeks

Enjoy this KETO/7-GL Weight Loss Bundle – 2×14 Days perfectly calibrated meal plan to keep your Glycemic Load stable throughout the day to avoid  blood sugar spikes. Plus three fully illustrated guides to help you use the meal plans: Keto, 7GL and Intermittent Fasting.

The 7GL plan has the intermittent fasting integrated in the daily plans. You can use the plan with without the IF option.

Please read the manuals carefully, as you will learn how to use the two plans on a cyclical way to keep the diet sustainable.
The 7-GL Plan is a Low Glycemic Load dietary plan, carefully balanced to regulate blood sugar levels and control insulin response.
The meal plans have been created with different nutritional regimens and combinations in mind, to adapt to allergies and/or other personal or ethical requirements.
They can also be used to give more options in a family environment, where there can be different dietary requirements or preferences.
In example you can prepare the recipes following the starchy, high glycemic load quantities indicated if you want to watch your weight, and allow for more of the High GL foods to those who need more energy and nutriments, as children and teenagers, or also mix and match the different meal plans for a more “Flexitarian” diet.

Each meal is thoroughly calculated to provide a healthy and balanced diet, whilst reducing the Glycemic Load, and stay below 40 GLs a day. There are plenty of options, and you will never feel hungry. In fact clients always mention that they couldn’t eat all the meals! However if you should feel hungry you can have an extra snack or smoothie – I intentionally allowed some margin to fit an extra 5 GL without going over the limit!

I’m confident you and your family will enjoy the meal plan, there are so many health benefits to gain and so little to loose (apart from body weight!) following this program!


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